In the future, Jake, a paraplegic war veteran, is brought to another planet, Pandora, which is inhabited by the Na'vi, a humanoid race with their own...
In the future, Jake, a paraplegic war veteran, is brought to another planet, Pandora, which is inhabited by the Na'vi, a humanoid race with their own language and culture. Those from Earth find themselves at odds with each other and the local culture.
Avatar, a great movie, one of my favorites. Definitely a movie worth watching and buying. It is an instant classic and sends you on a great adventure. I will most certainly see it again now that it's back in theaters with new 3-D footage.
Personally I'd go for a 8.5-10. Sorry if that seems harsh to whatever opinion there may be, to me using 10/10 loses the standard for what a 'perfect' movie is.
Great review, wow your ads are awesome I'm glad i clicked them all and followed sure would be great if you did to....
In the future, Jake, a paraplegic war veteran, is brought to another planet, Pandora, which is inhabited by the Na'vi, a humanoid race with their own language and culture. Those from Earth find themselves at odds with each other and the local culture.
ReplyDeleteAvatar, a great movie, one of my favorites. Definitely a movie worth watching and buying. It is an instant classic and sends you on a great adventure. I will most certainly see it again now that it's back in theaters with new 3-D footage.
Personally I'd go for a 8.5-10. Sorry if that seems harsh to whatever opinion there may be, to me using 10/10 loses the standard for what a 'perfect' movie is.
ReplyDeleteJust my two cents :)
great review!
Great review, wow your ads are awesome I'm glad i clicked them all and followed sure would be great if you did to....